
By acula

Christmas in Malaga

Groups of people go up and down calle Larios in Malaga singing Christmas Carols.  
I found this information about these 'verdiales groups':
Verdiales, they belong to the Andalusian songs branch, styles from Malaga. They are a sociomusical demonstration with a rural origin, only performed in some geographical points of Malaga, near Granada. Its singing and dancing style is accompanied by a "rondalla" made up by a violin, two to four guitars, a tambourine, two or more "crótalos" (kind of castanets), castanets and sometimes a lute or "bandurria". Using the jargon we called the group of performers, singers (cantaores) and dancers (bailaores) the "Panda de Verdiales" (the gang of verdiales), and we called their shows the Party of Verdiales. A member of a gang is called "fiestero'.

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