Sometimes, you really should stick with your first instinct.

Tonight was the manager's Christmas party, during dinner a quiz gets passed round the table. One paper showed 80's film posters, I looked at the excerpt of that we were given of this poster and "Stand by Me" came to mind. Well, the film came to mind, but it took me about 10 minutes to come up with the film title. But then I talked myself out of it, I could only remember the white poster of the four boys with the train on.

We ended up leaving the answer blank.

Sad as I am, I sat with Google when I got home & searched for the poster. I couldn't believe it when I found it!! Luckily I don't think it would have made a difference to the scores and it was probably Karma for me using Wikipedia to see which Appleton sister was married to Liam Gallagher.

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