Floor window

Up early to take eco son to hospital for a wee operation. He was on the list at the western but has been put to a private hospital at a day patient.

It was quite and dark, I had come prepared, pack lunch , books and water.

Spent 3 hours chatting to the boy as he waited his turn, he has 2 previous ops and it is a nightmare the bit they head away for surgery, at least this time he headed off by himself. He is 16 now and signed the consent form himself and just strolled though to theatre.

It seemed ages but eventually he reappeared, very groggy and tired so I settled down to read and half watch daytime tv.

He was up for some company so I sat with him and he ate and drank and got all his discharge papers sorted.

Home and lounging around, all minor ailments that need surgery shoudl come when kids are 14-18 years old, the recover is normal behaviour, just rest and have a duvets all the time.

This is the view out on the window, I sat here most of the day.

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