Xmas Baking and Moving Earth

The day started out happy, cheerful, xmas music playing as a little gift wrapping was done and Daughter A happily making Snowballs and White Xmas in the kitchen, we were having many laughs and my eyes are much, much better BUT...........

1.58pm the earth shook, rattled and lingered for so terriably long. We ran for the doorway and wondered if Daughter E at the bakery was alright and Hubby who was driving home, Mum was home alone as my stepfather R was at the golf course. No contact with Daughter E left us wondering even more, Hubby arrived home and said it was like driving on oil, finally Daughter E got through to us to pick her up. Have checked on our neighbours who are elderly, they are shaken but fine.

We are home now as a family of four, all nervy, tired as more hit us, two severly big ones with many aftershocks and our Christmas tree is now anchored firmly to our chimney, there is no damaged but we are over them!!

The day itself is warm, bright with a lovely blue sky, a gentle breeze is drifting by and people were feeling very festive and ready to welcome a new 2012 earthquake free, now we're not so sure.......

As I type we're still feeling the rolling and shaking - take care all Christchurch blippers.

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