
2years 63days

.... or more accurately, toilet seat.

The other day, Katie discovered (I have no idea why or how) that she can fit inside her toilet seat. And that it made a superb belt in her opinion. She tried it again today. I snapped before removing of course.

A great day, cold and wet and not quite as planned but great. A friend came to visit us for the day and we went to do a few town bits (how come you always realise you've forgotten something just as you've finished the whole "to do list" and are about to feel good about it!). We went to Costa for "cuppa tea and choc" before I took Katie to her swimming lesson.

Swimming was amusing - I had swapped us into today's class as we have no intention of going to swimming lessons on Christmas Eve. So we went. But sadly the supply teacher (ours is sensibly on holiday) didnt bother going. And nor did the rest of the class! So for the second time in a week, Katie and I had the whole pool. But added bonus, as apology for the teacher's skiving, I got a family pass! She had a great time swimming, played on the huge foam boat, the mats, chased the balls and did LOTS of underwater.

Straight after swimming we went to meet Ava and her mummy. Katie fell asleep on the way and slept for over half an hour in the middle of a very noisy, busy play centre! She woke up very quickly, and extremely happily, once she realised where she was. The girls (including Darci who arrived later) did lots of running round. And of course played hide and seek.

On the way back to the cars, Katie and Ava had a fabulous time jumping in a seriously Huge puddle. In the puddles is one of the most fun places to be for them both, it's lovely seeing them together. Lots of fun!!

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