
By Juli

Change of plan!

We were going to spend the day in London, figuring that we stood a good chance of actually enjoying the experience of mooching around the shops as we didn't have anything left we needed to buy. We thought we might see what the 'Winter Wonderland' in Hyde Park was like, too, but the weather was awful - it seemed almost like a hurricane at one point - so we stayed home and played games and generally sorted things out round the house. Had a couple of visits from friends as well, though, which is always lovely.

I did laugh when this card came up during our Monopoly game - if only we really had a 'Xmas fund' that had just matured! Mind you, it would need to be a bit more than this, if you saw yesterday how much booze my husband bought!

The weather's supposed to be better tomorrow so we shall try again with our day trip. Might try and get into 'Build-a-Bear' at Hamleys, but don't tell the kids yet...

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