...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup


Tonight Miles got the pleasure to see a few of his special followers on blip. He hasn't seen 'atallorder' since he was 3 weeks old and he's never officially met 'seniormoments'. Well here he is tonight with some of his Blipfoto family, and he is really taking them in! Maybe one day he'll get to meet MaggieD!

Miles had fun at atallorder's and 6ftmonkey's Christmas party tonight, chasing after a couple toddler girls and trying the figure out what he could find to eat (the entire time he was non-stop babbling). After we came home, we captured a fantastic video of Miles laughing at Hurley. He was in a fun and hyper mood tonight...and climbed up and down the stairs with daddy to burn off some of that energy before bed.

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