
By Appreciate

Festive Cheer

Susan and I had fun today trying to move a bed for my mum - a tough job but it got done - their room looks lovely.

My neighbour fitted the new element to the cooker- so that's all operational now! Excellent!

We met the parentals from the train - I had bought them first class tickets a month ago and paid less than the standard fare!! They had a great journey and all mobility assistance was in place and worked perfectly.

They are so happy here and they look amazing. Dad's gift to me is a selection of fish - mussels, prawns, scallops and a salmon - so we had a lovely seafood pie this evening. What a brilliant present!

Susan went off to the pub at 10pm with friends and I sat down and had a glass of port. Can't wait to get into the Stilton tomorrow - had to make to do with a cheddar truckle - mmmmmmmmm.

Am sooooooooo excited!!!

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