Every photo tells a story

By 5strings1

Something for everyone.

Mrs. G, treat me to a bottle of a rather nice single malt. Now, I know that those of you who know me, will realise that I am a member of that much maligned group, and oddly enough cristened and created by our erstwhile friend, Sparkie Markie, the not too light on our feet club. The fella with the white beard and the red suit will be coming to ours tonight, to deliver for the children and grandchildren, anyone else invited to lunch tomorrow, and any waifs and strays, who Mrs. G, always has an emergency present or two for. Mind you, a table tennis set for an elderley couple, can often cause a raised eyebrow. Any road up, if the fella in the red suit, is mindful of the local constabulary, he may not be drinking. In that case I will sup his portion for him. It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.
Compliments or complements of the season to you and yours, and all the marvellous people who participate on blipfoto.

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