Family Celebration

We were privileged to celebrate Christmas together, as a family, for the first time in 11 years! Thank you my dear children for walking the extra mile to make it possible this year! Thank you to C&R snr for making it possible to travel to Sweden and for M&Z for inviting us and for R jnr and A, for making me such a wonderfully happy granny! You are the best six children a mother could ever wish for!

We had a big family Christmas Celebration with M&Z's Swedish family today! It started with the whole family having a traditional Swedish meal together! We had traditional sausages with brown bread dipped in gravy and oven baked fish, followed by the main meal of roasted pork, Swedish meatballs with boiled potatoes and gravy, with Brussels sprouts and cheese, followed by a traditional apple tart with vanilla sauce. To drink, we had Swedish Jul must (Jul means Christmas) and traditional South African home brewed ginger beer.

After the meal we all watched a special programme of cartoons, which they watch every year, while they wait for Father Christmas to arrive. This part is played by 'Super Granny', Z' 89 year old mom, and she plays the part brilliantly! The two little ones in the family enjoyed this part the most!

Then the family photo was taken by M, by setting the camera on 10sec delay and then running to be in the picture as well! It was really great fun! ;-)

In this picture you can find seven official Blippers!! Woohoo!

Back row: Z MissU2), R snr, C, R jnr ALovingit, R MissROsie , I, R and J.
Middle row: Super Granny, N, H(LuvU2), T and I MissNoWay,
Front row: M(MissU2), G MissRAble , with little O, A and his sister, A, with little S.

Merry Christmas to all my dear Blipfriends! God bless!!

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