Christmas eve

Spent a lovely day at home with Mr Limbo and Millie. Had friends and their kids past in the afternoon so made some rather tasty mulled wine (would recommend Jamie Oliver recipe), along with yummy mince pies, hot cured salmon and biscuits - delicious!

The 5 kids were hyper what with it being christmas eve and it was lovely to see them so excited. Before heading home they put some carrots out beside the fire for Rudolph - very sweet.

Our house is feeling very festive and think we're all set for tomorrow:
- clever Mr Limbo haas been very busy and has made the pudding, stuffing, gravy and stuffed the turkey all ready for action in the morning.
- presents all wrapped and looking very bonnie (can't believe i haven't blipped tree yet!)
- cupboards stock with food and drink
- must go and pour a big whisky for santa now as he definitely deserves it, think Mrs Claus might fancy a Bailey's tonight too!

Merry Christmas to all and hope santa is good to you.

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