Backwards With Time

By thebigpicture

Time for the good stuff...

On this Christmas eve I am so thankful for all the places I have travelled in this world, lived in this country, the floors and tents I have shared with awesome people, but today I am happy to be in North Carolina with my Family. I spent time with my Dad, dear friends who I haven't seen in far too long, my second family and their 5 dogs, my favorite Broadway producer, my first pair of friends who got married, and this list goes on and on.

Sometimes I'm quiet, sometimes I'm loud, but no matter my mood, whether you're my amazing cousin who let's me sleep on her couch for a month, the guy who helped me at Best Buy the other day, my best friends who have been there for so many things, or the people who just randomly read this blog because of Facebook or Blipfoto...Be merry, enjoy what life brings to you, smile at a stranger, and love the people who are around you!

Merry Christmas to all, now get Santa here and lets eat way too much food, candy, and open my nieces presents!

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