Flying Away

I hope you have all enjoyed whatever way you have chosen to celebrate today.

I had every intention of blipping something at least vaguely christmassy today but as I was arriving home I thought about the family of starlings in my letterbox. I checked on them yesterday and all three of them were there and looking well fed, but I thought I should check on them again today to say goodbye as I'm off on holiday tomorrow and they will have flown the nest before I get home.

I peeped in to find the biggest lad has moved out! It won't be long and these two will be leaving the nest as well. After last year's failure to hatch and this year's first clutch being abandoned it is nice to feel that the parents and I have managed to raise this lot successfully.

I will clean the letterbox out when I get home in a couple of weeks, and the postie will be able to resume normal deliveries.

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