On the twelfth day of Christmas.................

.........my true love gave to me.

12 gold coins - got to go one better than the original song. Seven actually. Although they were rings weren't they?

Well they are not really gold and she didn't give them to me but it's the thought that counts.

I actually 'found' them whilst cleaning my car out the other day. Knew there was come loose change in the ash tray for the odd 'Costa' on the move or random toll charge here and there, but did not know there were so many.

Don't tell Mrs DD - she'll want some of them!

So I had the idea for my final blip of the '12 days of' series a few days ago. Hope you like it.

Of course that's our queen on the coins bless her. And we'll never really get to know her, pleasant though she may be.

But because of the celebration of today, the birth of Jesus Christ some 2000 years ago, we can get to know the King of Kings in a personal way.

I trust that this is your experience this Christmas day 2011.

Have a good one all you blippers.

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