Northern Wind

By JacobBarnhard

Paranormal Smoke

Okay, so heres what happened...

On December 22nd 2011, just a few days ago...

Me and a few friends took a ride over to a haunted cemetary.
The cemetary is called "Mouth Cemetary".
It's in Montague, Michigan.
It's said to be one of the most haunted places in the entire state of Michigan.

Once we got there, I started recording EVP's and snapping pictures.
I captured tons of orb's. Ghost orbs.
But, this picture was different...
As you can clearly see, all of my friends were in front of the camera.
You couldn't see one of them because he had a black hoodie on and blended in but,
Nobody was behind me or to the sides of me.
So, therefore, nobody was smoking a cigarette or anything.

I am just completely baffled that I captured such a thing.
Don't really know what to make of it.

Thats why I'm posting it here on blip...
Because I honestly believe it is something paranormal.

If you know what this smoke is or what it resembles, please leave a comment and give me some insight because I am dying to know.


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