Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

Other Opportunities...I Hope...

Didn't get it.
During our morning class, the graduate director spent the first half hour or so attempting to console those of us who didn't get it.
It was quickly becoming obvious to me that the four that had gotten the jobs were feeling guilty and uncomfortable.
All four of them are my friends and they all deserved the jobs.
They're going to do a great job in the classroom.
I'm proud of them.
So when the director opened the floor to additional comments, I spoke up.
The relief was obvious.

Later, I made it a point to congratulate them individually.
Turns out, most of them were feeling guilty that they had gotten it and didn't quite feel like celebrating because of their discomfort.
I reassured them that they had every right to celebrate and that they deserved their appointments.
I really hate it when people make others feel guilty for getting or having something that they want.
That's just bad sportsmanship.

For myself, I'm not really worried, though.
I figure with my extra time, I'll have more opportunities to publish my research before applying to PhD school.
More time for my thesis, hopefully to get more sources in.
And I'm thinking of reviving my tattoo research from last quarter and getting an article or conference presentation out of it.
I've still got options.

In my evening class, we had an assignment:
We were given a piece of paper and told to draw our ideal learning environment.
Most people began drawing on their papers immediately.
I didn't want to just draw on my paper.
I wanted to fold it.
So I did.
And then I drew in it.

My ideal learning environment:
Comfortable seating with footrests.
Each chair has its own side table and floor lamp.
Snack table for foods.
A city skyline view so individual things (squirrels) aren't distracting, but the view can still be inspiring.
No table in the middle to encourage a sense of equality and freedom of thought (no barriers).
Soft, plush carpet (I'm all about the comfort).
As for the color scheme?
Mahogany furnature, forest greens, chocolate browns, and burgundys.

After class, the professor caught me and we discussed my thesis (she's on my committee).
I also went over my final paper topic with her and she loves it.
She mentioned on our way out that the teaching job was a difficult decision (she was on the committee that decided).
She also mentioned that there is still a possibility that I might be teaching in the fall anyways and that on the list of candidates, I was fifth (the top four got the jobs).
I guess we'll see what happens.

Other shots:
*tree midriff
*tree split

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