A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother

Merry Christmas Everyone

What a wonderful day!

The boys woke at 6:30 & we went to investigate if Santa had been! He had!! We found stockings at the end of all our beds & founds lots of goodies!!

We've all been spoilt rotten!

After a chocolate breakfast, we headed to Granny & Grandad's room to see if Santa had visited them!
We all got dressed & headed down to open the 10 tonnes of presents under the tree!

The boys played some Skylanders while we waited for Johanna, Ed, Great Granny, Ian, Kim & Nathan to arrive!

David & Marlane got stuck in cooking an amazing Christmas dinner!! Turkey Wellington, ham, beef & lamb (& so much more!)

Popping the cork on the first bottle of champagne & tucking in to dinner was well worth waiting for!! We had to have a break between main & desert as everyone ate their weight in meat & veg!!

We played 'Battle Of The Sexes', which got confusing & very long!

We returned to the table for 3 (maybe 4 or 5) deserts & more champagne!!

So full we had to get our new PJ's on & finish off the champagne!!

Ready to watch Christmas TV now!

Thank you all so much for an amazing Christmas! I loved the full house & love all the people in it!! xxx

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