Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

"The Magic Of ....

... Reality". As in the book by Richard Dawkins. Unbelievably, three people bought it for three other people in our ten strong Christmas Party today. Nice one Richard. Strike three for the atheist bank account, there must be something spiritual going on ...

It has been a pretty magic day. Why not. We got up at 5am and went to Heathrow and did the Love Actually thing only better and without the bad acting. Family flew in from Australia and we had a fab day, despite a few undercooked turkey traumas and the encroaching zombie effect of jet lag. The Oxford Connection made a friend down under with her home made jewellery, and absent loved ones saw their quiet corner of the local churchyard given some TLC. The Yule Log Cabin was fab and my Christmas Cocktail hit the metabolic g-spot, particularly for those with low tolerance of alcohol. Oh and some stonker prezzies. Really stonker. One of which was a new DAB radio for those of us who like to listen to Radio 4 whilst cooking (and washing up). Turned it on tonight and heard this fab quote: "If reality had a stage door I'd hang around after the show to see what came out". Brilliant.

To all my family and friends at Christmas but to TSM, The Smiling Giant, The Girl racer and The Dizzle in particular, I want to say a particular thank you. Love is all around. Christmas is Magic but it's just the one warm light glowing from the top of a house that is solid all year 'round and whose walls are thick and foundations deep. Sleep tight, tomorrow is another day xxx.

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