The Youngest and the Oldest!

Is it really Christmas Day? It just crept up unexpectedly!!

Of course most of the morning is spent in the kitchen. There was one disaster, sort of, burnt the parsnips and carrots. I can recommend the 3 bird roast crown with some sort of stuffing from M&S - it was superb. Not going back to turkey on it's own again after tasting that beauty!

Ben was hilarious and entertained us all day with dancing, chattering and charming us all with his smile and big blue eyes.

Temperatues are tropical for Christmas, especially compared to last year. We had a brilliant day. Ate too much I must say, and really, really must try and get rid of some extra pounds in the new year.

This picture of the youngest and oldest members of the family at the dinner table is certainly not great quality but not too many pics taken today - too busy for all the faff!

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