The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

Christmas Cheer

It's that part of the day when all the presents have been opened and the children have an obscene array of new toys and games to play with, not to mention the mountain of chocolate to get sick on (things have not changed since I was young). It is so difficult to decide what to play with first; there is that awkwardness at showing a preference to anything at the risk of offending the rest.

Alex decided not to bother with any of the fantastic gifts he received and instead was playing with his sister's DS. I have to assume that this was some sort of demonstration against the failure on the part of Santa to deliver what was requested, i.e. a Nintendo DS. The fact that he hadn't mentioned this particular desire until Wednesday of this week has a lot of bearing on the absence of the requested item (although not the only reason I hasten to add).

In truth, he had a fantastic time and has enjoyed all his gifts and he was obviously just distracted by seeing the DS in the lounge and took the opportunity while his sister was enjoying her new toys.

Been a good day despite the shadow of my dad's health hanging over us. Hope you have had a good Christmas too.

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