Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Last Christmas

There is a certan poignancy that goes hand in hand with the bonhomie and good cheer that a Richardson Christmas brings, and this year is no exception.

However at 1145 at night on a Christmas evening, its not something i'm going to dwell on, the point is simple and worth writing down for the days ahead...

Remember today, for today was a good day.

Indeed it was the most stress free and relaxed Christmas we've had for a long time, right up until the point when my wife got gobbled up by the Christmas tree!

Still, thats what you get if you delve too deep as you reach to check who has the most presents!

I shall spend the next few days backblipping and trying to sort out the date and time setting on my camera.

Night all, and Merry Christmas to everyone.

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