
By LeeAnne

Merry Christmas...

Merry Christmas to all my lovely blip buddies! Hope you've all had a lovely day and you're either tucked up in bed or wedged on the sofa patting a food baby. The latter is where I'm at!

This place has made me very happy over the last couple of months. There are so many people out there with great photos and kind words. It's personal and cheerful when there are low moments, funny photos, beautiful photos, really, really spectacular photos and so many people willing to share a little bit of themselves and their lives. That's really special. Being able to be part of that and having the opportunity to do the same has been a good thing for me the last couple of weeks. Something to focus on, a pick me up to include in my day and a chance to share how I'm feeling with those closest to me. I feel better than I did. Perspective is important.

I had a lovely day. I slept late and then went to my parents, dropped off presents (and clean jeans), skived off cooking duties and went for a walk up the woods. It was blowing a gale but the fresh air did me some good. Didn't see a soul. Just the wind and me. I thought I'd go take a photo of the log at the top of the field, where I used to sit when Monty and I walked up there. The log has gone. Shame. I took a photo of the trees behind where the log used to be. The bit of corrugated iron was sort of just propped up there. I liked it. Selective colour rocks. I'm having trouble getting off the MC setting. Black and white is where I'm at just now. I was glad of the clean jeans when I got home! Mauchit pretty much covers it!

I received some lovely gifts, including a tripod! Hurrah! I can't wait to go find a waterfall! We had a fabulous, traditional, Christmas dinner and it was ace. There was talk of another dog in our lives. Alas Dad isn't keen, we'd all have another Monty in a flash. Who knows? We can but hope!

A day filled with family and friends. Lovely.

It's good to have expectations.

Most definitely upwards!

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