My inner self

By katharon

Sweet chocolate I

Once upon a time,
there was a little chocolate..
It became from the chocolate -factory :)
It end up to the finnish family
and this is the story
of freedom..

On the 26th morning the chocolate
peep up from the chocolate-box. The house is sleeping and there is quiet.
Chocolate was thinking, what to do next..
"Hmmm, I could go and study this place a little bit..."
"Yes, there is a bathroom, living-room and hall. Ooh, and there is the front-door".. Could I sneak up and runaway?"
"I have heard that people eats the chocolates like me..."And I don´t want that happen..I´m too independent and I have feelings.."
" I have to go outside and look what the world has to offer"...

And the chocolate went quietlyout of the door and walk a little bit and look around..

...............To be continued......

Merry Christmas, to all of you...
Today is the real birthday of Stefanos..

Love Cat

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