Think & Shoot & Think

By micmoment

Let Us Rise

Public Holiday

Dislike public holiday on a weekday. Means my dad will be home all day.
It's Boxing day, and I really felt like literally boxing him seriously.

The moment I step into the house early in the morning, he was making noises.
After I slept and woke up in the late afternoon, he was still raging.
That's like after 8 hours. I wondered did he even paused for a sec.
How can someone stay angry for so long!? Petty much.

I heard him cry. Because of you, maligner. You never did the right thing.

So, I had a night out at east coast with honeyboy :)
Chilly weather all night. We scheduled to watch the sunrise.
But after killing 7 hours, all we see were walls of clouds building up.
Nevertheless, I still got the see the day, even though there is no sunlight.
Let me walk you through anything and everything, be it good or bad.

Embracing disappointment, I cherish every single moment with you.

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