Mild but Windy Boxing Day 2011

Felt bit yuck this morning with all the food that was eaten yesterday. So lots of peppermint tea to try and calm things down, then lunch of throwing all the leftovers in the pan and seeing how it turns out! Yum it was .

Had a bracing walk up our Kinnoull Hill as you can see from this picture how windy it was. But then when you look at my husband's hair his is in place but mine is flung back. (he doesn't use product!)

Although it was windy the temp was 14 degrees.

Tomorrow our yearly panto trip to Glasgow. This year it is Sleeping Beauty and I will review it tomorrow night. Last year we battled through the snows of Perthshire to get to Glasgow, which had only a light dusting of snow. We may arrive in Glasgow in half an hour instead of 1 hour if this wind does not calm down.

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