Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Riders on The Storm

A run this morning try to burn off some of the excess

A long chat with my mate Alan and some NY resolutions made early today

An epiphany moment whilst running

Focus and stamina needed for some personal stuff and also my fitness and health. Sometimes the best choices for us to make are also the hardest ones but I think that means that they are even more worthwhile!!Honest!!

Phew! After all that philosophical bollocks we went to my mate Michelle's Mum's for tea, she is lovely, she is like a Mum to me. The girls entertained us with charades and were quite quite fab at it.
This photo was on the drive on the way over there. Yes yet another moment of me having to stop the car and witness the kids roll their eyes as I say " I'll only be a minute, I just need to get this for blip "
I love the colours on this but also have it in B and W in my folio, not sure which I prefer, this orthat

I have only eaten half my body weight in chocolate today which is an improvement. I shall try not to make this week a food log or I am in danger of turning this into Bridget Parker Jones' Diary....

Oh and finally am loving the continued mystery about our Secret Santa givers.. xx

FFS this write up has no flow or sense to it does it!!

I shall leave you with this


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