
By woolyme

Southampton Airport

Took my neighbour to the airport this morning. We left at 6.45 I dropped her at the doors at 7.50 and went straight to my Mums go take her shopping. Got to her at 8.50.
Brilliant drive, and this little beauty (not taken from a good angle or the right light! I know just a quick blip) is on the roundabout to the entrance to the airport. I love this little fella.

I did the shopping and collected my new glasses (a blip on them later perhaps) then get the washing and cleaning done before I go to Selsdon for a wedding reception tonight.

Tomorrow I should be out all day so this is likely to be the only time I can get on here to blip till Monday! (dont worry the camera will be coming with me and I will blip everything).

Have a great weekend

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