What to do with all of that Christmas wrapping!
I don't like landfill, I don't like burning, but I think burning is the lesser of the two evils.
So much rubbish to get rid of and the bin lid has to be flat shut (like most people we are now on fortnightly collections which is fine with me) and we are allowed 2 bin bags, but then again that would be landfill. Can't help the plastic stuff I'm afraid, that will have to go into a bag, and I took a load of cardboard to TESCO recycling centre only to be told they don't have a cardboard skip any longer as the council takes cardboard. They are obviously in the Tewkesbury council area because Gloucester does not yet take cardboard.
Haven't finished yet, still more to burn but waiting for the current ashes to cool so I can put them into the compost bin. At least they will serve a useful purpose as a soil conditioner.
So, a hearty fire and a chorus of Ging Gang Goolee was called for!
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