The Hazyland Boys

By TheHazylandBoys

Pictures from a dog walk

I went to visit my mum as soon as the hospital visiting hours started and stayed until a hospital porter came to take her for another head-scan.
She looked better today and the doctor said that there are a few more tests they want to do, but she can most likely go home tomorrow afternoon and have the rest of the tests done as out-patient treatment. My mum hates hospitals, so she was very pleased about that.

I had the dogs with me in the car, so I went to where my parents live and took them for a good walk. We were out and about for more than an hour and it was lovely. I left Bridie in my parents' apartment. My mum will want Bridie to be there, if she comes home tomorrow.

I did some shopping on my way home... Phew!

I've just vacuumed with my new vacuum cleaner (the old one died very suddenly - I think it choked on too many dog hair!) and now I'll make some coffee in the new press coffee maker that I got for Christmas. I will drink the coffee from my new very cool coffee mug,which I also got for Christmas. Ahhh...

My pictures today:
Top left: Bye bye Bridie, thank you for visiting. We will miss you, but it is nice to know you are home and can keep Mum company, when she comes home.
Bottom left: Hero!!! That is mud you are lying in!!!!!!
Bottom right: Happy smiley Beat and a flat Hero in the background.

Have a good day!
Emmy & the Hazyland boys

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