All things Blipable....

By Tina

Almshouse cat

walked in to Trowbridge today..its not the most exciting of places but i couldnt be bothered with crowds and people and cars and stuff today..

it was nice to just walk n talk..

we had a pub lunch and a wander through the 'shops'

visited HJ Knee~Trowbridges only Department store....its been going for 124 years and is firmly stuck in a department store time warp!
the only thing that is missing from the aged shop, with its 4 shop assistants for every 1 person.. is the waft of over boiled cabbage..
it really is stuck in a perpetual time warp..

Saw this gorgeous cat asleep in the porch of one of the Almshouses as we walked home .. i used the Dynamic setting on the camera..i Like it!
*Alms houses are homes bequeathed or bought, for the poor in the days gone by.

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