
By digitalosteomum

pretty pink parade

Today we went to the parade in our local town. We almost didn't go as it was pouring with rain until about 10 mins before it was due to start when the sun shone through and it was a hot summers day- bizarre!

I took lots of pics but I thought these girls looked pretty in pink and I like the equal gaps between them. Both of my children loved the parade and were so excited when they first heard the drums starting up in the distance!

I did an awful thing today. My little 1 year old has recently started crawling and I had him on my bed with my daughter. He was right near the wall playing with a musical toy and as I had just changed his nappy, I popped out of the room to wash my hands. I was only out for 10 seconds max and just as I came back through the door I heard a loud bang. He had crawled to the end of the bed and fell off! I feel so so bad, he has never cried so loudly or for so long, poor thing.

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