
By redridergirl


Happy 4th of July to all!

Today we went hiking up Hatcher's Pass, near the old mine. It was sunny and a bit clouded, making for perfect hiking and shooting conditions. We (Mum/Photonovice and KMS and I) hiked up a trail that we had previously done while geocaching. Mr. Photonovice and the rest of us had gone geocaching several years previous, found the cache, and decided to hike more when Mr. Photonovice recieved a call telling him that he needed to fly to Kodiac. Needless to say, he left. So we hiked up anyway.

Had a great time scrambling up and down big rocks and across the tundra-like terrain.

Its hauntingly unforgiving but amazingly, stunningly beautiful. The only thing I can compare it to is the valley the old guy lives in in the movie Heidi. You really have to see it for real to understand. Although a photo can take the place of a thousand words, and I'm sure I could go on for more than a thousand words, its something you have to go see in person. Amazing.

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