Without Malice

By aforethought

Last Few Pounds

It's tragic. When you budget for your holiday, a third of it has passed, and you are down to your last few pounds already.

Don't get me wrong, it's a first world problem.

I am not broke, nor hungry. I am not tempted to call those companies advertising on television... "Have you spent all your money, need a short term loan (small print: 1735% typical APR), call our legalised loan sharks now!"

I am glad I have a job, an income, a few assets, a family, and a future. I am spared the hell of existing day to day, and month to month, ever clinging on to my last few pounds.

And that is before I even think about those who have the same concerns about food or clean drinking water.

I am fortunate to be down to my last few pounds.

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