
Just yesterday, Mother Comfort was groggy and sleepy in her room at the Rehab Center and it didn't seem possible that she would feel up for going to dinner at my mom's tonight. Two days ago, on Christmas day, she could barely keep her eyes open. This afternoon she rallied and emerged enthusiastic about taking the trip. The transfer to and from the car...not too fun, but she managed.

For a long time, her joy has been sweets. Yesterday, while she was very sleepy, they checked her blood sugar and it was low even though she had eaten something sweet before checking it. They told her that her sleepiness could be low blood sugar. This gave her great joy, as she felt quite justified in eating a few extra pieces of fudge this evening. Dum de dum dum....whistles and looks the other way...hoping that won't throw her off too much.

She emerged from the evening with glowing reports of what a wonderful time she had. It was well worth the effort, said she.

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