Scooter Baddness...

Considering the last night's panto induced late night, I've gotten off pretty lightly today. Ewan has been a bit grumbly but the general opinion is that he is a bit under the weather already.

We went for a first outside long run on the scooters. Bethany learned the use of the foot brake in about two seconds flat and then proceeded onto going at speed and doing wee hops. I've told her that if she ever comes to the skatepark on her scooter, I'll have to pretend not to know her lest I get ousted from the scottish skateboarding fraternity.

We actually dropped off a DVD at one of Bethany's school friends' house. They're not having such a brilliant christmas comedown which ended up in a bit of an outpouring of tears when we left 10 minutes and a cup of tea later. Ooops, better phone and invite them down to play tomorrow.


Notes on the Title...
We have a Pocyo video lurking about that contains the episode called 'Scooter Madness' A rather good episode where Pato shows off his skills on a scooter and then skateboard whenst the handlebars of the scooter break off. The first time Bethany said the title of the episode, she said 'Scooter Badness' which makes it sound even cooler and as with a few of her early speech sayings, has now stuck as a moniker for going out on the scooters.

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