Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight


This morning I'd noticed that today's blip would be my 300th. It was Dec. 26th one year ago that I'd joined Blipfoto so 300 show that a consequent daily blip was not in my reach, that challenge continues never the less. To me blipfoto is like a box of gifts from people the world all over, sharing their surprising, brilliant, amazing, creative, beautiful and wonderful photographs and many add their thoughts corresponding to that picture. So far you all here do inspire me and I notice this is addictive. Yes I'll continue and thank you for all your reactions and comments; they're much appreciated!

Having noticed that 300 is up I did look for a blip with that number, but I did not find anything remotely coming close. On the other hand I visited today the House of Lords and there on the ceiling is this painting of a celestial window from which young kids, the generation of the future, is looking down onto the Lords who rule the country:) and they look for hundreds of years ahead, also for 300 and more....

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