investigations of a dag

By kasty

day 3 on planet duvet

a bit better today but still a bit zonked with flu. Is this what old age will be like? Wonder if I can afford a dignatas trip on nectar points by then? Probably not, owell, I'll just hang about like a mad old lady to see how my lovely twin nieces Annabel (left) and Gabriella (right) turn out. This is their "aunty Kasty with a camera face again" face. Cute eh?

Got an unexpected and brief visit today from their mum and them today which was lovely. 20 mins of ridiculous adulation and stupid voices from me and 20 mins of piercing screams. No connection I think, just hungry. Once again I'm left staggered as to how exactly does she do it. Stereo baby screaming is not fun but I can see how stereo smiles and chubby cheeks are such a sustaining reward ..

In other news, I have managed to find a narrow channel for air to get to my brain - intermittent but useful. Slightly submarine surfacing feel to the day.
This gave me sufficient oxygen to get up and get dressed. Remarkable. Even made it to the shops for lemsip re-ups. (Gawd I hate the stuff and my tonsils quiver in bawking disgust when I'm forced to take it but it does help) took half an hour to get my breath back once back inside.

think just one more day and I'll stop boring you all!

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