
By erinmaureen

That's It!

When I woke up today i drove my mother allllll the way back to the car dealership to pick her car back up. When we got back home my aunt and three cousins were waiting for us so we could go to thrift stores.

I'm bummed I didn't take any photos at the thrift stores we went to. Oh, the adventures we get ourselves into.

While we were out thrifting my roommate texted me to inform me that grades for the semester were up. At this point we were walking through a store with valuable antiques in it (or as my cousin Colleen would say "creepy old stuff") and i began freaking out and trying to log into the website on my iphone to see my grades.

Oddly enough, the store had a terrible internet connection and it wasn't until we were in the car heading to the next location that I finally got onto the site.

Verrrrrrrrrryyyyyy pleased with my grades for the semester :) Very happy that all the work I put in for those grades paid off!

After our adventures my family returned home for nap time, since whenever we participate in the smallest of activities it must immediately be followed up by a nap.

So, I wanted to take a picture of the "THAT'S IT. I'M CALLING SANTA" sign my aunt got us for Christmas but for some reason the zoom on my iphone was being a stinky baby and I was too lazy to get up and take a better picture so here is the sign along with the TV which my family and I were watching Our Idiot Brother on. Pretty good movie.

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