The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Homeward bound

Boiled eggs, rucksacks ready, walking the final kilometres to the road to catch our ride. An hour and a half later, over very bumpy 'roads' (not convinced they can be classified as roads, rather lacking in tarmac and smoothness!) we arrived in Pokhara. The Prime Minister drove by (I think he had heard we had arrived!) as we walked through the streets to the lake...a three-day street festival was starting so we enjoyed the parade and wandered through the streets and the stalls. We had a very beautiful lunch by the lake, soup as usual, before walking the final forty minutes to the airport.

And here we are, in the departure lounge, with Paul watching seven Nepail men try to wire a television and router...the Nepali way. There is definitely a joke somwhere in that sentence...

Homeward bound to Kathmandu, a happy ending to the most perfect Christmas. Ever.

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