stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Porcelain Lady

I had a long lie this morning, only getting up at the back of one. The weather was still horrid so a quiet day in front of the telly was the decision.

Today's indoor blip is one of my mum's collection of porcelain figurines which she has received from my dad over the years. These gorgeous and elegant figures are dotted all through the house and a wonderful standby indoor blip opportunity. Nobody can remember the name of this particular lady, designed by Annie Rowe as part of the Leonardo Collection and so far, my internet searches have drawn a blank. I'll update if I find out!

So, the first non-turkey based meal since Crimbo tonight. Home made fish'n'chips! Mmmmm... lovely!

Hope everyone's been slowly but surely able to begin returning to normal after the Crimbo excesses... just in time for the Hogmanay build up! ;- )

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