man and his dog...
...walking along the shoreline
all by themselves... no one else around - in the windy conditions today... no one foolish enough to be whipped about by a wind not willing to stop...
but these two - in silent companionship... walked along the lake like the good friends a man and his dog are supposed to be - and that dog never lifted his nose the whole time i tracked them... i'm not sure what he was sniffing - but it had to have been an awful good scent... for his nose was down - tail a' wagging - isn't that how it's meant to be? yet somehow, it also makes for a lonesome picture... made me wonder about the two of them...
isn't that what happens, too, when we find ourselves caught up in people watching? we make up stories about those we're observing... wishing the best for them - hoping they've got good lives... are enjoying something special? so i did with this man and his dog... said a quick prayer for them that life was good - bright for them - they were out for a lunch time stretch enjoying the afternoon sunshine... for that's what makes for...
happy day.....
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