A time for everything

By turnx3

Sunset reflections

After early starts the last two days taking kids to the airport, we treated ourselves to a bit of a lie in this morning. Late in the morning Roger and I went to the Y to get some exercise. Rather a lazy afternoon - Roger had a long phone call with his parents and I went out to Pioneer Park to get a blip. The sun was just going down behind the trees and the reflections of the clouds in the water were quite striking. Poor Laura spent most of her day lying on the couch, watching TV. The last two days she had been working at Kindercare where she had worked over the summer, and she has obviously picked something up from the little kids - last evening and into the night she was throwing up and had a high fever. She seemed to be improving a little during the afternoon, but as I write this in the early evening she has gone back to bed, feeling unsettled again. I hope she picks up soon, so she can enjoy New Years Eve with her friends.

One year ago: Christmas cake

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