Click Click Redemption

By Seoirseo

"One of these is not like the other"

To quote from the ever-sagacious Sesame Street.

A long, thoroughly enjoyable day showing my friends Dan & Imma round various parts of Mexico City. Dan & Imma are travelling round Mexico shooting video & taking photos as they go. More or less half way through their trip now.

They've already got tons of footage, none of which they'll get to sort through until they get back to Spain. Here is a link to Dan's PAGE on Vimeo.

Covered quite a nice little of the city, taking in Roma Norte, Condesa, Garibaldi & Bellas Artes. Lots of great photo-opportunities. Dan made a timelapse of him getting a hot shave. Garibaldi is an area famous for it's cantinas & mariachis, which is where I took the above photo. It wasn't a nice part of town at all and the whole place was rather shabby & derelict. (Think Niddrie on an especially hot day!).

I don't think, this will be finding it's way onto any tourist brochures any time soon!

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