Do Something !!!

By DoSomething

Double Yolker!

Our first egg from one of our Hungries (our gang of Sasso hens), thanks Mrs Biggest! As I hope you can see it is just over twice the size it should be. We always get some at the start of the laying season, but that isn't normally until the 2nd or 3rd week in January, so we are off to an early start this year. I knew Mrs Biggest was up to something when, instead of stuffing her face with breakfast as usual she ran out of their run and hid under the caravan clucking weirdly, I got a stick and shooed her out and she ran back to their run still clucking. I saw her pondering going back into the hen house but clearly she decided to pop it out while eating her breakfast as I found it being pecked by Mrs Wobbly-Head in the grass.

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