
By Daystarimages


The footprints we leave behind. As we walk on a beach we leave footprints in the sand that the tide will eventually wash away. But what about the things like what we see in this photo, the street sweeper or dustman will, for a fee, remove the deluge we leave behind. Until the dustman comes, we leave our carelessness for others to see and trip over.

But what about the footprints we cannot see with the eye but with the heart?

Pericles, an orator in Athens, Greece, during its golden age, once said, "What we leave behind is not engraved in stone monuments but woven into the lives of others."

These are the sometimes not so invisible footprints that really count. The fact that we may be able to touch someone else's life with ours and how we live in that relationship however long or short that relationship may be. The mere fact that we say excuse me or sorry as we brush past someone can sometimes make a difference in how they treat the next person they come in contact with.

I sincerely want my footprint to lead people to the Creator and photography is my means of doing that. (From my perspective anyway) I want people like you to see a loving heavenly Father.

Thanks for reading my thoughts.

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