The life of Hannah Carr

By HannahC

The most Southerley point In England.

The most Southerleypoint In England.
More like the windiest,wet,foggy,coldest point in england.
Here's The Lizard,
It has the best cafe in cornwall here,
Mmmm....Cornish pasy,with chips,and beans.
Meringue,Ice cream and,wafer.
Making your mouths water? YES!
I was 'pogged'.
Oh!well! It's my holiday isn't it?
I also Invested in A rather cool,Polar bear hat,Yes you read correct a POLAR BEAR hat! Thanks for helping me invest in it daddy.
I 'needed'wanted an new hat.

After the lizard We drove to porthleven,
Got a bit of food for tea,might have to have a late tea,seen as though i am STILL full to the brim.
Hot chocolate,marshmellows,And squirty cream.

I'm very happy with all the comments and views ,etc on yesterdays blip
Didnt think I would even get 2 comments never mind,23!!
I even got 3 hearts and 1 sub!

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