
By LeeAnne

Cold and wet...

This pretty much sums up my day. Went to work this morning, it was raining. We got out at lunchtime and I had some time to kill before my friend Sarah arrived so I took my bag of nuts to the cemetery to pay my last visit of the year to Cheeky Chops. She was there, waiting for me. I whistled as I sat down on my makeshift cushion my Big Issue in a Sainsburys bag and she popped her head up from the branch she was perched on and raced down the tree. I love that she does that. I'm under no illusion that it is anything other than cupboard love but she still waits for me and comes running. Makes my day every time.

So I sat in the rain, in the cemetery and chattered to my squirrels, watched the magpie watching me and scattered some nuts for them for later. Then I went to collect Sarah, who'd had the worst train journey from Manchester. It was rammed full of people and she couldn't get to her reserved seat. She stood for 3 hours in the end corridor, along with 15 other passengers who had also reserved a seat while other people sat in them. Makes you wonder how many tickets are sold for each train, surely if there are no seats left then there are no seats left. It can't be safe having people crammed in the passageways. Anyway, she did arrive safe and we've had a lovely day catching up.

Tomorrow we're off to meet Molly the gorgeous collie at Blackford Hill. We have the panto at 5pm and we've just had an unexpected addition of friends from Leeds who are coming up to spend the weekend. Hurrah! Then we're going to go watch the fireworks from a suitably high up location so I can play with my new tripod. I am hoping that it's dry and not blowing a hoolie!

Then down to Gullane beach on New Year's Day to blow out the old and welcome 2012!

Hope you all have a fabulous New Year! Eat, drink and be merry!

Lang may yer lum reek!

P.S. This is my door handle in my bathroom... I sprayed it with water and blipped it with not a lot of time to spare... perhaps my first emergency blip!

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