Precious Water

I promised scenery today and here I am delivering on that promise. We went out to Silverton today - a virtually ghost town outside Broken Hill. It is where parts of Mad Max I, II and III, A Town Like Alice, Razorback and others, were filmed.

This is a little waterway that actually still has water in it! The area flooded some time back and mostly all there is to show for it is dry and scourged out creek beds, but this one must have been really deep (and well shaded) because it has retained some water.

We have done quite a bit today - visited Silverton to look at what is left of the town and admire the photos in the pub of the film cast members, been to Bells 1950's milk bar for a classic spider, visited a gallery, been to the miners memorial (and the cafe at the top but they were shut), but most importantly we have been for a CAMEL RIDE.

What a buzz that was! Such a different thing to do and right outside my comfort zone. I'm still smiling.

I thought I had mentioned, but clearly didn't, that the hotel we are staying in (in Broken Hill) is the one that "Priscilla Queen of the Desert" (an iconic Australian film that you really should see) was filmed in. I can really relate to some of the scenes in the movie, having experienced some of the 'quirks' the hotel has - like lugging my luggage up the stairs. All of the walls in the main foyer and downstairs hallway have been painted with murals of australian bush scenes. Just to be different the ceiling had been adorned with a painting of the goddess Venus.

The hotel is also famous for having the largest first floor balcony of any building in the southern hemisphere and the building is a listed heritage one. All of that said, we are staying in an 'unmodernised' room - not something I would recommend, but I believe there are modernised rooms available too.

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