Nat's Travels

By natstravels

New Years Eve

Wow another year done, we're has it gone! Seems like only last week I was working on New Years Eve and here I am again!

Today is my 167th Blip end it's been most enjoyable! Can't wait to get broadband back on 7th Jan and get back to my camera rather than my phone!

Been riding this morning, it was Tinker's turn today as Scooby has lost a shoe. Spotted these lovely snow drops so pretty with the rain drops still on them.

I'm not one for New Years Resolutions, but this time of year does make me think about that I want to achieve in the New Year, so here goes:

Continue Blipping!
Keep improving my tri times and with joining the local Triathlon Club that will happen!
Eat better and think about what I eat, therefore lose a few pounds!
Do the photography course I didn't get to do this year as it got cancelled!

Think that will do for now, after all I do have a whole year to add to the list.

Enjoy your New Years Eve fellow Blippers for me it's a 2000hrs to 0400hrs shift out in the rural!

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