Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

electric snail and the raindrop..............

ok so i may have taken "abstract" a bit too far.............................although can you take abstract to far? surely that's the whole point. you produce something shite or that folk don't understand and then you pass it off as abstract so the less informed feel even more stupid... hey, it's just a thought and one of many random bubbles that bounce through my head each day.

so a bad day for blippage, especially as i hate shooting in the rain....................it's just "not my bag baby". so at least while on my trip to the chiroi was able to get a shot i took at baby McD's summer fair last week printed up. it's just for a little retirement present for baby McD's teacher who is of to live in gibraltar. it is quite a nice shot of the two of them so hopefully she will like it. at least it's something personal and a bit of effort went into it. also we wanted to do something a bit different from whatever they have got her from the donations we parents gave on to the school for her.

right i'm rambling for the sake of rambling.

today's blip was a baby snail i saw stuck to the underside of the gazebo tonight and i felt like i needed some colour and strangeness to it.................mission accomplished i think

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